About Us

Welcome to Serenity Health Care Products Inc, where innovation meets compassion. Our story is one of dedication, expertise, and a relentless commitment to enhancing accessibility in health care.

Our Founders

Serenity Health Care Products Inc is the brainchild of two visionaries – Mr. Michael Samuels and Mr. Hong Lam. Their journey began in the mid-1980s, pioneering advancements in mobility, accessibility, and durable medical home healthcare products. Together, they embarked on a mission to transform the landscape of home accessibility.

Our Mission

At Serenity Health Care Products Inc, we are not just crafting accessibility solutions; we are shaping a future where individuals can navigate their homes with freedom and dignity. Join us on this journey where every product is infused with the expertise, care, and innovation that defines Serenity Health Care Products Inc.

Proven Experience

With a wealth of experience accumulated over the years, Michael and Hong honed their skills in corporate ownership, product design, manufacture/modification, sales, and distribution. Their journey took them through pivotal roles at Fortress Scientific, Optiway/MovingPeople Net, and Dolomite Health Care. It was during this time that they laid the foundation for their profound understanding of the health care industry.

International Technical Application

Driven by a passion for innovation, Michael and Hong infused years of international technical application into the creation of Serenity Health Care Products Inc. Their travels throughout North America and beyond were fueled by a shared vision – to develop and market the most efficient accessibility products for a growing global population.

Expertise Across
the Spectrum

Both Michael Samuels and Hong Lam bring extensive expertise to every aspect of Serenity Health Care Products Inc. From manufacturing and distribution to engineering, research and development, installation, service, and support, their combined experience forms the backbone of our commitment to excellence.